Sunday, November 12, 2017
7:18 AM
Healthy Cooking
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You can think of a million reasons not to cook at home. It's hard to fit in your schedule. The planning of the meal is impossible. No one in the family likes the same thing. The supermarket takes a long time. If you can think of an apology, you can apply it to the kitchen.
But let's take a step back. For many reasons, not to cook, there are twice as many reasons why you should do this. Besides bringing families together and learning new skills in the kitchen, the health benefits of cooking are fantastic. Here are some reasons why you should start and edit this menu.
Increasing Knowledge about Food: Eating is much more than something that tastes good and fills your stomach. What you eat can heal, cause illness or even cause pain. Cooking your own meals can teach you which foods are high or low in certain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It will even increase your creativity as you learn to combine nutritious foods to satisfy your taste buds!
Nourishing: It is well known that restaurants, fast foods and other types are known to be high in calories, sugars, fats, sodium and carbohydrates and also contain low levels of nutrients. Even the healthiest and lowest calorie options can contain a very high content of sugar and fats. On the other hand, you can eat at home what you consider unnecessary. You control the foods you cook and the foods you eat.
Try Your Food: The physical action of preparing your own meals will lead you to a new appreciation of the foods you eat. This is very important because eating nonsense and emotional eating can contribute to unhealthy weight gain because you are not fully aware of the food you are eating. If you are aware of what you consume as you prepare, you will be less prone to overeating.
Develop Healthy Habits: Cooking at home can create a healthy lifestyle. By discovering healthy recipes, learning about food, creating and fulfilling a diet, you and your family can be encouraged to live a healthy and healthy life.
Promotes family bonding: Family dynamics can improve a lot with more at home, family meals. Children benefit greatly from the ritual of cooking and eating together. This is also a great educational tool for parents to teach their children healthy eating habits. In fact, several studies conducted by the University of Michigan have found that eating family meals at the table is associated with fewer mental health problems and greater academic success in children, and promotes socializing in the family.
Reasonable portions: Restaurants are famous for their extreme portions that can contribute to the great eating culture and obesity issues in the United States. In fact, a study by the International Journal of Obesity found that providing nutritional labels on standard menus had little effect on food choices. Preparing meals at home gives you the ability to control portions and control the temptation to overeat.
Food Safety: According to the CDC, food-borne illness (also known as food poisoning) affects 1 in 6 Americans per year. Cooking at home gives you the assurance that you need to know that you have the freshest ingredients (or at least since your last trip to the grocery store!), And you can rest assured, knowing that your food is stored and cooked at the right temperatures ,
Knowing Allergies and Food Sensitivity: Although we have mentioned that you control the food intake of your meals, cooking also provides you and your family with control over the prevention of food allergens. Common food allergies include nuts, gluten and clams, and these are all common ingredients and are generally very popular in many foods.
Cleanliness: Cooking at home can give you a good conscience, not just knowing what's in your food, but also how clean the food is. Of course, you want to make sure that your kitchen and dishes are sterile and that their ingredients are well prepared before eating.
Saving money - food is expensive! It's far more cost-effective to shop for groceries than to ask for it every night. While there is a lot of controversy about whether a single meal is cheaper when cooked at home than at the meal, the food intake and serving size will be taken into account, you will save a lot more money by eating! This money saving strategy will improve your finances and reduce stress.
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