Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Greek yogurt has a number of health benefits over its more traditional cousins. This is because it is very thick and creamy, even with the non-fat varieties, which make it a fantastic alternative to greasy dairy products like cheese cream, butter, dressings and other thick dairy products. It also shows about half as much sodium as normal yogurt types. I also discovered that it tastes a lot more tantric than the more traditional European yoghurt I prefer. But there are other benefits as well.

Greek yogurt is a very popular type of yogurt in the United States. Its popularity is mainly due to its unique taste, which has a pronounced sour taste. Its creamy and thick texture is also a notable attraction that sets it apart from the others: the most typical yogurt. Not to forget the many benefits of Greek yogurt are simply some of the best for healthy dairy products.

Health Benefits of Greek yogurt

Many tasted their own version of a homemade mask made from Greek yogurt. The key is to keep trying for at least a month. According to the beauty blogger, after a month of diligent use of the skin, the brilliant Farm Girl, wearing a face mask of Greek yogurt with live cultures like acidophilus, has given a healthy, radiant and clearer skin.


First, Greek yoghurt, like regular yogurt, is loaded with millions of probiotics, the good bacteria that promote the health of our digestive system. These good bacteria, called acidophilus, help fight against harmful pathogens such as harmful bacteria and fungi that can cause infections and other diseases in our body.

Low Sugar

Since Greek yogurt adds extra effort, much of the sugar content has also been eliminated. Therefore, this yogurt can be a better option when it comes to health, as it contains less sugar. This is a great benefit of Greek yogurt and good news for diabetics. Now you can enjoy a good cup of yogurt without having to worry about the sugar in your diet. Although this yogurt itself contains little sugar, there is one manufacturer who adds sweeteners to improve its taste. So be careful with this additive when you buy.

Rich in Proteins

Compared to regular yogurt, Greek yogurt is a very rich source of protein. Especially suitable for people who have no protein in their diet, such as those who are vegetarians, this yogurt can be of great benefit. As yoghurt undergoes an additional leakage process that subtracts much of its contained water content, the resulting thicker and creamy yoghurt structure causes a cup of Greek yogurt to contain up to three times more protein than yoghurt. typical

Low Sodium

In addition to sugars, this yoghurt is also low in sodium. It usually contains about 50 percent less sodium compared to regular yogurt. This makes it ideal for people with a low-sodium diet. It is excellent for those who are at risk for cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and heart problems.


Yogurt is a dairy product obtained by fermentation of specific microorganisms from milk, which must be viable, active and abundant in the product. You have trillions of bacteria in your gut that help you digest food, and yogurt contains some types of these healthy bacteria. (Although not all yogurts have them—check for "live and active cultures" on the label.)


Kimchi is A Korean favorite that is usually made with cabbage, radishes or onions and many spices. The main ingredient is usually cabbage, which promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon. And kale is a type of fiber that is not digested, so it helps eliminate garbage by maintaining regular bowel movements, says Anderson. Sauerkraut is good for the same reasons. However, this dish can be hot, so it may not be a good choice if you find that spicy foods cause digestive problems.

Lean meat and fish

If you want to eat meat, choose chicken, fish and other lean meats; They will go down much easier than a juicy steak. And lean meat and fish were not associated with an increased risk of colon cancer, such as high-fat red meat.

Whole grains

Whole grain products such as wholegrain bread, oats and brown rice are a good source of fiber that helps with digestion.Fiber can also help you feel full and reduce cholesterol, but it can cause bloating, gas, and other problems in people who speed up their consumption quickly: it's best if you consume more. And wheat grains are a no-no for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.


Bananas help restore normal bowel function, especially if you have diarrhea (for example due to excessive alcohol consumption). And they restore electrolytes and potassium, which can be lost through liquid feces. This fruit also has lots of fiber to aid digestion. "One banana a day is what I always say," says Anderson.


This spice has been used for thousands of years as a safe way to relieve nausea, vomiting, dizziness, nausea, gas, loss of appetite and chills. But it is best to consume it in moderation. High doses of ginger can be counterproductive; More than 2 to 4 grams per day can cause heartburn.

High-fat and fried food

Both high-fat and fried food can overwhelm the stomach, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn. "The body can only cope both at the same time," says Jessica Anderson, RD, a diabetes educator at the Coastal Bend Health Education Center at Texas A & M Health Sciences Center in Corpus Christi. Foods with high fat content can also cause pale stools, a phenomenon called steatorrhea, which is essentially excess fat in the stool. Many people with irritable bowel syndrome should stay away from high-fat foods, he says, including butter and cream because they can cause digestive problems.


You need calcium in your diet, and an easy way to get it from dairy products such as milk and cheese. But for lactose intolerant, these can cause diarrhea, gas and bloating and cramps. Eine Intoleranz gegen Laktose, an ein Problem zu verursachen, oder als Laktase, ohne Laktose (an ein Milk). Celiac disease, Crohn's Douglas and Chemotherapy can damage the Intestines, which can also cause Intolerance Laktosis.


Alcohol relaxes the body, but also relaxes the esophageal sphincter. This can cause acid reflux or heartburn. Drinking can also ignite the lining of the stomach, damage certain enzymes and prevent the absorption of nutrients, says Anderson. Too much alcohol can cause diarrhea and cramps. However, if you have no gastrointestinal disturbance, moderate amounts of alcohol should not irritate the digestive tract.


A 2005 study indicated that chocolate may be a problem in people with irritable bowel syndrome or chronic constipation. But chocolate itself may not be the bad guy, says Anderson. For people with milk allergies, the real culprit may be the milk contained in many chocolates. And chocolate contains caffeine, which can provoke colic, bloating and diarrhea.

Coffee, tea, and soft drinks

Coffee, tea, and arbonated beverages drinks not only relax the esophageal sphincter too much, which limits gastric acidity to the stomach, but also acts as a diuretic that can cause diarrhea and cramps, says Anderson. Caffeinated drinks may be a particular problem especially for people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If you have GERD or heartburn, you should avoid peppermint tea; It can also calm the stomach, says Anderson.

Chili peppers

This staple of spicy cuisine can irritate the esophagus and lead to heartburn pain. This can be a particular problem for people with irritable bowel syndrome or those who already have chronic heartburn, says Tim McCashland, MD, a gastroenterologist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, in Omaha.


Berries are good for your health, but those who have small seeds can be a problem for people who have diverticulitis or pouches that develop in the gut (usually the colon) that become inflamed or infected.


Fiber-rich corn is Good for you, but it also contains cellulose, a type of fiber that people can not break easily because they lack a necessary enzyme. Our evolutionary ancestors could probably break it with bigger, stronger teeth, says Anderson. If you bite the corn longer, you can probably digest it well, she says. But drop it and it can go through you without being digested, causing stomach and abdominal pain.

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